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YFS 04/07/09 Minutes

Members present:  
R. Allen, S. Barnes, S. Cummins, A. Glorioso, B. Ruth, J. Welsh
Also present:
Director Larry Freundlich, Recording Secretary Linda McCall
K. Hanratty, P. Viggiano

Call to Order:  Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:09 p.m.  

Comments from the Public: none

Review of Minutes of March 3, 2009:  Reviewed the minutes.  Allen made motion to approve the minutes as typed; seconded by Ruth.  Vote taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Comments:
Chairman Barnes noted there has been no proposal made by the Selectmen for the Commission vacancy yet.  If someone is interested, please have them forward a resume/letter of interest for consideration.

Director’s Report:  verbal report
1. Student Wellness Week (distributed flyer) went well with 50 – 60 signed up for each of the workshops in the media center.  (Director asked Glorioso to speak further about the followup ADL assembly, which was part of the Week’s programming.)
2. Summer Stock Musical Theatre has 50 registrations so far between both programs, with 15 requests for scholarships already on hand.  Beginning to plan for the 5-day Wilderness Challenge program for students entering 8th grade.  May need to look to the Youth and Family Services Foundation for future support of these programs.
3. Staff are working on summer programming: Teen Trips (Wendy Mill working with Ray Allen) and Community Service Weeks (Jane Moen organizing one week on Hunger Issues and a second week on Environmental Issues).
4. The Chamber of Commerce will include our events in their upcoming calendar of events.
5. Distributed Middle School After School Clubs brochure.  Mill is currently developing clubs for the High School (Ultimate Frisbee, Skateboarding, Self-Defense).
6. An outreach dinner has been scheduled at the Estuary Center on April 16th.  100 seniors have been invited for a tour of the center and the dinner.  Funding is through a Senior Outreach Grant to Municipal Agents for the Elderly.  Allen asked for a flyer to post at Parks and Recreation Walking Track and Welsh asked for a flyer for the HEAT group.
7. Director asked to brainstorm ideas for fundraising for the next Freshman Retreat, which would take place on September 3rd and 4th.  Discussion ensued about possibly raising amount of the student fee ($25 the last 2 years); possibility of including in school budget; possibility of applying for grants; possibility of establishing a student savings account (like a Christmas Club); soliciting donations from Educational Foundation, PBA, YFS Foundation, 8th grade Fundraiser, etc.  Consensus of Board members present was that increasing the student fee to $50 was too much, possibly increase only to $35 this coming year.  Consensus also to market the initiative to 8th grade parents as a privilege to participate.

Local Prevention Council Business:
1. Asset-Building Training –  Director reported we have about 8 people committed to participate in our 12-member team at the upcoming county-wide developmental asset training.  Judy Sullivan of the Chamber of Commerce and possibly Mary Jane Engle of the Health Department.  Other names suggested: Ed Lyons of the YFS Foundation; Jenn Pernal of Goodwin PTO.  Beth Ruth will check her calendar to see if she is able to participate.
2. REACH Program - - Director reported High School students are being trained to faciliate a drug and alcohol prevention program at the Middle School for 6th and 7th graders.  Glorioso spoke about the teaching assembly and small group discussions, skits and video that they will be including in the program.  Draft of the proposed Parent and Student programs distributed.

Old Business:
1. Town Budget FY 09/10 – Director reported no news at this time.
2. Review of Family Wellness Initiative – Director reported in future years they will schedule programs throughout the year instead of in just one month..  Distributed and reviewed report of On-Line Depression Screening.  He reported  that one individual came in for an in-person depression screening with a counselor.
3. Commission Vacancy – Commission recommended advertising vacancy in newspapers or sending out a notice via the Chamber of Commerce.

New Business:
1. Grant-Funding Projections – Director reported he met with our Drug-Free Communities Program Officer the previous week who stated the federal commitment looks good for the balance of our 2 ½ years remaining in the Support Program.
2.  High School Personal Achievement Award – Director reported he is awaiting nominations from the Guidance Department at the High School.  Nominations may also be made by staff and Commission members.
Other Business:   

There being no further business to discuss Allen made motion to adjourn.  Barnes seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant